Hello, world…and happy new year!
Photo by Roven Images on Unsplash
What better time to start a blog than on the first day of the year, right? #goalz
Ang and I are trying to figure out exactly what this blog will look like. I foresee lots of content on various herbs, of course, and how to grow and gather your own herbs, but also tips and tricks about how to live closer to nature, in general. After all, that’s our major goal here at Rootstock, to step into and live more closely with nature.
Since I’ll be doing most of the writing here, you should know that I’m a baby herbalist. Expect to see my thoughts on the lessons I learn along the way and those ideas that intrigue me the most. If you’re just starting out, too, know that you’re in the right place!
I dapple in nutrition, which means I love reading and learning about nutrition, but I don’t want to get a state board certification…for reasons that I may explain in a later post. So, expect information on how we’re using plants as sources of nutrition, healing, and enjoyment.
And just for funsies, expect to get some views into how I’m building our Materia Medica (look at me picking up the lingo!) because I’m an information organizer and geek out on personal knowledge management. (Yep, you know it! I’m a blast at parties.)
Details you may be interested in about Ang and I:
Like I said, I’m a baby herbalist, but Ang is more experienced.
We’re both working moms. I have 2 teens and Ang has 3 under 10.
We’re both currently taking a 2-3 year course on herbalism because we want to know all the things! So expect lots of celebration from us when we get that certification!
We live in Minnesota, the coolest of all the states…literally and figuratively. Ha!
This is a shorter post, purposefully so, because I’ve been procrastinating on picking our first topic. But now that this topic is out here, I hope to keep the momentum going and write more regularly.
Happy New Year, y’all! Look out, 2023, here we come!